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Post Apocalyptic Story Maps

Starter Pack Adventure

In this volume of Post Apocalyptic Story and Encounter Map Pack  you'll find 23 hand crafted maps which is ready for a starter adventure. The Starter Pack Adventure maps are designed especially for Fallout 2d20 tabletop game however all contents are suitable for any digital post-apocalyptic tabletop games.

Every map is minimum of 96 DPI, preferably 5ft each tiles; which is perfect for virtual table top programs like VTT, D20, Fantasy Grounds and so on.

Wasteland Settlement maps uses natural daylight, but you can manually change daytime in virtual tabletop programs and won't disturb the environment lights.  

Thanks for downloading and please leave a feedback for me to make much better maps in the future. And if you want to continue reading, you'll find an example story for the this Starter Pack Adventure. Here we go:

- Intro -

Our hero is denizen of Vault 42. For those who doesn't know, Vault 42 was a small vault and as an experiment it was designed to have a maximum of 40 watts light bulbs (up to 400 lumens) which created a very dimly illuminated location where there were locations can be considered as "dark" such as living areas or toilets. VaultTec wanted to test what happens to people if they're exposed to dark conditions for generations. The Vault has been thriving since the bombs fell and they had a tradition sending an ambassador trader outside every 10 years in order to acquire pre-war tech and news to develop their culture in the vault. Unfortunately, for over 100 years there has been only 1 person who returned back; the old miss Abigail - who prefers to call herself Meatsack. She's a very isolated lady, nearly a hermit in the vault, living her final years alone in her dark room. The only person that rarely can talk to her is the seer Mr. Brooks. The rumors say she had such a traumatic experience outside, she's suffering a serious PTSD and it's nearly impossible to communicate with her.
So, our hero - a young boy called Ephae (I chose my brother's character as an example so I'm using his pronouns. Gender doesn't matter) - gets elected as an ambassador trader to leave the vault in the new decade after he passes a series of exams, thanks to his pretty high S.P.E.C.I.A.L traits. Seer makes sure he's equipped well and prepared for the long journey outside, hoping he will bring many news and gadgets that can improve their society.
Ephae leaves the vault with very protective eyewear and other stuff as the doors got sealed behind him. Excited and afraid, he starts his voyage in this super-bright scorching wasteland.

- The First Steps Outside -

Knowing only from the books and the stories, Ephae expects a dangerous wasteland however, his expectations were too low considering what he faces. First couple of sessions he's going to try to overcome low tier hostilities such as Molerats, giant rats, wild dogs, a couple of bandits and a feral ghoul etc. Until he reaches the first settlement, maybe around the 3rd session, he's going to get introduced to the dangers of the wasteland.

- First Settlement -

After days of walking he'll arrive to a small settlement called Baddacook; famous with it's various restThis is his first contact with the outside civilization as he is going to be shocked by the "low level" of civility. He might decide to introduce himself as a Vault Dweller if he couldn't learn his lesson from the first couple of sessions which will cause some trouble such as being chased for ransom or tried to be robbed of his "valuable vault stuff". Here he's going to get his first actual quests and more information about the surroundings. He will also learn Ms. Abigail was here around 25 years ago and some old people of the settlement know her. He will decide to follow her footsteps in order to learn what happened and why she decided to return back without any treasures.  

- Favor for a Favor - 

Among many possible side quests, he will get attention of a major trader who will give him another quest (possibly the main quest) promising armor, weapons, ammo and the information about Meatsack (Ms. Abigail) in return. Knowing how much Ephae needs the arsenal as well as the information, he’s going to accept. This time, he will be charged to infiltrate a well guarded raider camp that particularly became a headache for this trader and the settlement. He is to kill their leader and bring his Golden Tooth as a proof. 
The raider camp will be in a short distance but still some days to reach. After some encounters on the road, he will reach the location. It will be wellguarded and deadly if he decides to head assault. He will have the choice to actually kill the leader or negotiate with him for some his golden tooth. Luckily the bandit leader is also a gravedigger and he has some extra golden teeth in his possesion that he can bribe Ephae to survive. Or maybe Ephae will decide to kill everyone and loot those extra golden nuggets for easy cash. 

- Ready for the Long Road - 

After completing the quest and probably arguing with the trader (because probably they won’t want to keep their promise completely and try to fool him) he’s going to be ready to follow Meatsack’s footsteps for the next location.


Get this project and 14 more for $28.85 USD
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In order to download this project you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5.90 USD. You will get access to the following files:

1-Prologue - Vault 42.jpg 142 MB
2-Random Encounter - Billboard.jpg 10 MB
2-Random Encounter - Blast Door.jpg 9.6 MB
2-Random Encounter - Dead Brahmin.jpg 11 MB
2-Random Encounter - Dry River.jpg 11 MB
2-Random Encounter - Graveyard.jpg 10 MB
2-Random Encounter - House Ruin.jpg 11 MB
2-Random Encounter - Nuka Cola.jpg 10 MB
2-Random Encounter - Old Camp.jpg 14 MB
2-Random Encounter - Trader.jpg 10 MB
2-Random Encounter - Wasteland Rocks.jpg 10 MB
3-Settlement - Baddacook.jpg 78 MB
4-Random Encounter - Dead Robots.jpg 13 MB
4-Random Encounter - Dead Trees.jpg 12 MB
4-Random Encounter - Red Rocket.jpg 13 MB
4-Random Encounter - Ruined Walls.jpg 12 MB
4-Random Encounter - Shrub Field.jpg 14 MB
4-Random Encounter - Trash Molerat Lair.jpg 10 MB
4-Random Encounter - Truck Blockage.jpg 12 MB
4-Random Encounter - Waste Dump.jpg 12 MB
4-Random Encounter - Wasteland Rocks.jpg 14 MB
4-Random Encounter - Wild Gourd.jpg 12 MB
5-Adventure - Raider Camp.jpg 84 MB


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Hey, thanks for the map bundle! Are they also available in night-time version? Cheers!


Hey! thanks a ton for the comment. After making some night versions I realized they're not very nereden as VTT programs (like FGU) have already night / dusk / sunrise lightning options and they give much better effects than Dungeondraft. If you can try it please let me know because what I experienced is really satisfying in Fantasy Grounds Unity

Thank you so much for your reply! I tried FGU and the results are not bad at all, I think I'll play around with it a bit to understand the program well. Have a nice day and thanks for the advice :)


I'm very glad to hear that friend. And I'm also honored to have you play on my maps. I wish you a great time and hope to see you again. Take care!

Hi there! I love your maps, am I allowed to use them commercially? E.g. in published adventure?


Hey my friend, thanks a lot. As long as you credit my page here and my name as "Xecthar" you can use them commercially as well however not with the purpose of reselling. I hope you earn a bunch! Cheers!


I will make sure to properly credit you every time. No reselling, I promise :)
And thanks a lot for your prompt reply!


Thanks a bunch. And don't forget to show me where my maps are wondering here please <3

👍 will keep you updated

Absolutely love the new map pack, I'm so close to starting my 2d20  fallout game. Spent the last month+ planning the story and using the maps i got from you to do so. I've actually been meaning to ask if you had any plans for fallout themed cave maps? It's something relatively common on the games and would make for some awesome missions to send my crew on. Regardless i eagerly await your next drop. Great work!

Thanks a million for your support and beautiful words, buddy

You're right, cave encounters are not uncommon in Fallout games and I haven't thought about them before. I have some caves here and there but never as plain randos. I'll check my assets and try to figure out something. Maybe next small encounter pack, why not!

Thanks again!


Awesome! Im stoked to see how it comes out! Ty again!